This idea actually came to me while I was napping with my toddler, you know, the sacrifices mothers have to make sometimes. Currently I am not struggling with insomnia, but I've been there before and it is no joke.
#checkup #coffeerocks #napsrock #socialmediadoesnotrock
I always wonder how people come to interesting decisions at large corporations. For example, who decided that it would be a great idea to put a lot of nooks and crannies in an infant high chair? I can't tell you how many hours I have spent in the early years cleaning those things out.
#decisionsatcorporate #paintcolors #shoppingforpaint #hungry #foodandpaint This actually happened today. I was genuinely impressed by the large books my middle child was picking out, then I laughed at myself when I saw the boys were using the books to build ramps for their pull-back toy cars.
In other news, I decided to try out "flesh limbs" instead of stick limbs. Why the change? Have a seat while I tell you my life story. I'm a perfectionist. You wouldn't guess it by looking at the state of my house, or the way I dress (think cross between frump and awkward). But my perfectionism comes out in other ways. For years it kept me from drawing comics until about two years ago, and I was like, "NO MORE perfectionist self, your comics do NOT need to be perfectly illustrated!" The name of my comic, "Low Expectations" helps with that too. Anyway, drawing the comic figures with stick arms and legs made producing my comics so much more easier. Someone said they reminded him of insect legs. That's okay David, we are all entitled to our opinion. And no, audience, I did not chance the appearance of my comics from my friend's constructive criticism, I did it because I drew a cartoon figure and liked what it looked like with "fleshly" arms and legs. So here we are, progressing. Having fun. And most importantly of all, laughing at myself. #nobookswereharmedinthemakingofthiscomic #momlife #fleshlimbs I was out shopping with my kids the other day when we walked past a person-of-unusual appearance. My youngest yelled out "MOM! LOOK AT THAT CREEPY PERSON!" and after I looked about me in horror I realized no one else understood him. Phew!
#akwardmoments #shoppingwithkids #pleasedontmakemylifemoreakward #freshgroundpepper #myprecious #dontmesswiththepepper #nocomparison #passthepepper #truelove #comicfood #foodie #loveofgoodfood #nevergoingback
Years ago my husband was introduced to the wonder of freshly ground pepper...and we have not gone back since. This is also a slight nod to one of our favorite books. I'm not going to comment much on this. I appreciate the sweet little girl who once told me, so very randomly, about all the dry cereal she was able to cram in her cheeks one morning.
#kidsrock #letstalkaboutimportantstuff #goawaycovid #howabouttheweather #gladyourdietworksforyou #politicsstink A while back I ran across this verse from Proverbs and thought it would be so funny to put it on one of those nice door signs, instead of the typical "Welcome" sign. My husband said it might send out the wrong message, especially since we want to practice more hospitality. So, instead, in this comic I am picking on one of my sisters and having her use the door sign. She actually is not like this at all, and warmly welcomes us into her home each time we visit - but somebody had to be the one with the sign (I love you Adina!). Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving.
#Proverbs #Wisdom #Thanksgiving #vistingfriends #visitingfamily #doorsigns As much as I admire them, I have never owned an inflatable T-Rex costume. I think it would still be worth having even though there may be some more complicated issues to consider when wearing it in public. Happy Halloween everyone! Even in 2020.
#inflatabletrex #costumes #halloween #restroomissues #washroom #dinosaur Recently we were trying to do a fall craft that involved lots of glue. The craft itself was a fail, but on the bright side I had an opportunity to pass on the satisfying tradition of peeling dry school glue off one's hand.
#schoolglue #wondersoftheworld #thejoyofparenting #itsappealing #realappeal I hated this game as a kid, and turns out I still hate it as an adult.
#adulting #pleasegivemewhatipaidfor #Idonotlikethisgame #notfun You don't have to be a homeschool parent to have precious moments like this. I would write more, but this momma is worn out.
#homeschool #teaching #parenting #math #oddoreven #somebodygetmemorecoffee As a child I watched this movie so much that I basically memorized it and sometimes it takes a simple little phrase to start a song in my head (or if you are lucky I'll start singing out-loud).
#ivebeenthinking #adangerouspasttime #pleaseholdwhileisingthroughthesong I think the reason I am not any skinner may have something to do with my love of chicken wings and potato chips...but it's fun pretending to be dumb about it. And we had two of our pet cats get hit by cars near our road, so we chase our cats like their lives depend on it when they run out of the house.
#iamwornout #parentingisnojoke #stayinthehousestupidcat These "coincidences" can be a little unsettling. Best just to laugh at it for now. If I was unsettled about it enough I would get rid of the smart phone and buy a flip phone, but I'm not there yet!
#unlikely #iwanttobewrong #stoplisteningtome Sometimes you just need to focus on the little accomplishments. I really am quite proud of myself for keeping track of the dryer balls, between the kids pretending they are snowballs and the cats thinking they are toys, it really is quite a feat.
#momlife #gomommies #beyourbestyou Actually. the plants were in my sunroom. And the cats did fertilize. I added large rocks on the top of the soil and it never happened again. You know, just incase this should happen to you too.
#gross #helpfulcats #hopetheydidnotfertilize "Anyone who says differently is selling something."
#disappointment #itsjustfood #goodbyefornowbutnotforever This is my first comic using Blambot's font, Restless Soul. Nate Piekos sells a ton of great fonts on Blambot, but I liked I liked this one the most, and surprise! It was free! Saves a lot of time compared to hand-lettering everything, and I think it's more legible.
#pointtaken #kidsareobservant #eatsomething PSA: “Bless your heart” can be Southern for “you idiot.”
#samewordsdifferentlanguage#southernliving #pilatesexpert |
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February 2023